Magformers Curved 20 Set (Sale)

£19.99 £34.99
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SKU: 701010

Magformers Curve 20-Piece Set

The Magformers Curve 20 set features 20 pieces made up of 4 squares, 4 cone parts, 4 cylinder parts (arches) and 8 circle parts (quadrants), to make a range of 'solid' 3D structures with curved edges and surfaces.

This geometry-focused STEM learning set helps to illustrate the different properties of curved edge shapes in either 2D or 3D forms and to develop children's mathematical vocabulary.

- Can be combined to familiarise children with symmetry and turns

- A visual aid to explaining radius, diameter and circumference as well as circles and semi-circles, arcs and other maths terms.

- Various 3D models can be made with this set such as open and closed cylinders, half cylinders, cones.